Tomas and the Library Lady

tomas-and-library-ladyThis week your child is learning the words eager, huge, pile, and storyteller. The words come from the book Tomas and the Library Lady. Help your child learn the words. Watch the video below to hear the story read aloud.


Eager students

Eager students

Eager – wanting very much, excited about something. These students are eager to answer a question.

Ask your child: What are you eager to eat today?

Huge playground

Huge playground

Huge – very big, great. This is a huge playground.

Ask your child: What animal is huge?


Pile of leaves

Pile – a number of things on top of each other, forming a small hill.

Ask your child: Have you ever jumped in a pile of leaves?



Storyteller – someone who tells or writes a story

Ask your child: What does a storyteller do?


Congratulations, you are helping your child grow a large vocabulary!