The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

trueThis week your child is learning the words secret, straw, doorknob, and impolite. The words come from the book, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!  Explain what the words mean and talk about them with your child.

If you would like to hear the story read on youtube, watch the video below. Listen for the vocabulary words and point them out to your child.

Telling a secret

Telling a secret

Secret – not seen or known by others. She is telling her friend a secret.



Straw – dried stems of certain grain plants. One of the pigs builds a house of straw, that the wolf blows down.



Doorknob – a rounded handle or knob used to open and close a door. Turn a doorknob to open a door.

Very impolite wolf

Very impolite wolf

Impolite – not polite, rude. The wolf is very impolite to blow down the pig’s home.

Congratulations, you are helping your child grow a large vocabulary!