The Grouchy Ladybug

ladybugThis week your child is learning the words grouchy, puffed, jaws, and flippers. The words come from The Grouchy Ladybug. Ask your child what the story was about. Click if you would like to hear the story. Listen for the words and point them out to your child.

Ask your child what each word means, and if they don’t know, explain the meaning to them or show them an example. Here are easy definitions to use.


Grouchy child

Grouchy means in a bad mood, cranky, or grumpy.

Puffed up puffer fish

Puffed up puffer fish

Puffed means to swell up. Some animals puff up when they get scared.


Jaws of a crocodile

Jaws are mouth parts that hold the teeth. This crocodile has an enormous jaw.


Flipper of a dolphin

Flippers are limbs that help some animals swim.

Congratulations, you are helping your child grow a large vocabulary!