The Little Red Hen

This week your child is learning the words harvest, kneaded, chore, and aroma. The words come from the book, The Little Red Hen. Explain what the words mean and talk about them with your child. As you’re going through the week, try to talk about each word three times.

People harvesting crops

People harvesting crops

Harvest – the gathering of ripe crops, or the amount gathered. The farmer hired people to help with the harvest.

Kneading bread

Kneading bread

Knead – to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling. He kneaded the bread dough with his hands.

Doing a chore

Doing a chore

Chore – a regular job around the house or at work. Her chore today is doing the dishes.



Aroma – a pleasant smell. The soup had a delicious aroma.

Congratulations, you are helping your child grow a large vocabulary!