The Doorbell Rang

doorbellThis week your child is learning the words share, stare, enormous, and tray. The words come from the book The Doorbell Rang. Ask your child what the story was about. If you would like to hear the story together, here is a video to the storybook being read.

Explain what the words mean and talk about them with your child. As you’re going through the week, try to talk about each word three times.


Stare – to look in a steady, fixed way, with the eyes open wide. Ask your child to stare at you, or show your child what it means to stare.

Sharing a pizza

Sharing a pizza

Share – giving part of something to someone else. These children are sharing a pizza.

Enormous mountain

Enormous mountain

Enormous – very large. That is an enormous mountain.



Tray – a flat, open piece of wood, metal, or plastic used to carry, hold, or display food, drink, or small items.


Congratulations, you are helping your child grow a large vocabulary!