Choosing a Profession.
Selecting a career path can be really daunting and scary. Sometimes we don’t always know what job or career we want to pursue or even how to get there. It can be really challenging being unsure about what we think we might be good at or what fits with the lifestyle we want. Sometimes not knowing anything about a profession can be the hardest obstacle and choosing a place to start can be a lot.
Here are the stories of some of the faculty, students, and alumni who have chosen to make occupational therapy at Temple University their home. If you made it to this page, maybe you’ll see yourself in one of them or maybe it will even lead you to making the decision to becoming an occupational therapist one day.

Gabi S. (Student)
Why I Chose OT
To meet people where they are at functionally and work within their natural environment and what’s meaningful to them.
Why I Chose Temple OT
The number of fieldwork experiences and how they align to current coursework.
Favorite Thing at Temple OT
Our clinical skills class where we got to fabricate orthotics and learning about different conditions we could help treat. It was super fun getting to practice with my classmates and keeping everything we made in the class.
Skye S. (Student)
Why I Chose OT
I chose Temple OT due to its community outreach and for the consideration of the public health lens within the Temple OT curriculum.
Why I Chose Temple OT
I want to help people identify and reattain their goals within areas of participation that are meaningful to them while constantly having the opportunity to continue learning and growing creatively and intellectually. I also wanted to have a clinical job where I could spend time with patients and work closely with patients.
Favorite Thing at Temple OT
My favorite thing is getting to work on the switch adaptation lab and building assistive technology that would benefit people one day.

Kira H. (Student)
Why I Chose OT
I chose OT to be apart of a field that helps people do what they love the most.
Why I Chose Temple OT
I chose temple OT because I want to be apart of a network that has an impact within their community.
Favorite Thing at Temple OT
My favorite thing is getting to plan and attend a spring fling run by the students and hanging out outside of the classroom.
Stanley C. (Student)
Why I Chose OT
I chose OT because I wanted to help view and treat the individual holistically and cater to their specific needs for overall health and wellness.
Why I Chose Temple OT
I Chose Temple OT because of the experienced and seasoned faculty, the connections to the community, and commitment to making a difference in the profession.
Favorite Thing at Temple OT
My favorite thing is getting to make so many incredible friends and connections while at Temple OT and having a good work life balance in and outside of the classroom.

Jessika M. (Student)
Why I Chose OT
Because I liked Philly as a city, the faculty was amazing during the interview, and the program is top 25 and turned into a doctoral.
Why I Chose Temple OT
Because I love working with people and I love applying physiology, human science, and psychology in my career
Favorite Thing at Temple OT
The people I have met! Including my cohort, other philly people, and the faculty!