Gayle DeDe

gayleGayle DeDe, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Co-Director of SLAB Lab
Research Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae DeDe

Dr. DeDe is an associate professor (research track) in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Temple University’s College of Public Health. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences at Boston University. She is currently co-director of the Speech, Language, and Brain Lab (SLAB Lab) at Temple University. She is also the director of the Philadelphia Aphasia Community at Temple (PACT).

Dr. DeDe’s research area is language comprehension, as well as the relationship between language comprehension and general cognitive processes such as working memory. Current research is focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying real time sentence comprehension including the types of conceptual and linguistic information that contribute to sentence processing, how and when those types of information are integrated, and how those processes are affected by aging and aphasia.

Dr. DeDe is also interested in developing and testing treatment approaches for people with aphasia. Her research in this area has focused on group treatment approaches and development of reading comprehension treatments.

Research interests include: (1) sentence comprehension in normally aging adults and people with aphasia and (2) group treatment approaches for people with aphasia.