3 Use Cases for NFTs

You’ve probably heard about NFTs by now – those digital tokens that are taking the world by storm. But beyond the hype and headlines, what exactly are NFTs, and how are they being used in the real world? These are great questions, both of which we are going to explore today. 

In this article, we’ll dive into three compelling use cases for NFTs, exploring how they’re revolutionising industries and why people even buy them in  the first place from NFT marketplaces like Ordinals.

  1. Digital Art and Collectibles

Let’s start with the most well-known use case for NFTs: digital art and collectibles. NFTs have transformed the way we think about ownership and authenticity in the art world. With an NFT, artists can tokenize their digital creations, turning them into unique, verifiable assets that can be bought, sold, and traded on blockchain-based marketplaces. 

This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for creators, allowing them to monetize their work directly and connect with a global audience of collectors. It’s something that has never really been possible before the invention of NFTs. Very few people would ever consider purchasing digital art just to use as their background when they didn’t truly own the piece or have any way to show it off. 

That goes without mentioning not even having a way to buy or sell digital art pieces – there were no dedicated marketplaces like there are for real-world art. 

But it’s not just about buying and selling – NFTs also enable artists to retain ownership and control over their creations, even after they’ve been sold. Plus, they offer collectors a new way to engage with art, providing a digital ownership experience that’s just as real and meaningful as owning a physical piece. 

Whether you’re an artist looking to showcase your work or a collector searching for your next masterpiece, NFTs are reshaping the art world in exciting ways.

  1. Gaming and Virtual Assets

Another exciting use case for NFTs is in the world of gaming and virtual assets. In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in the popularity of blockchain-based games that leverage NFTs to create unique in-game items and experiences. These digital assets can range from virtual land and weapons to character skins and rare items, each represented by its own unique NFT.

With NFTs, game developers can give players true ownership of their in-game assets, allowing them to buy, sell, and trade items with other players both within and outside of the game. 

This opens up new opportunities for players to monetize their gaming experiences and build thriving virtual economies. Plus, it adds an extra layer of excitement and value to the gaming experience, as players hunt for rare and valuable NFTs to add to their collections. 

This is more important now than it has ever been before. Fashion and collectibles are two of the main motivators behind why players play games. Think the Battle Pass for Fortnite or transmog for World of Warcraft – oftentimes these aspects make up a big chunk of the overall experience.

NFTs will take fashion and collectibles to the next level, allowing players to acquire unique items that they actually own. This will completely change how games are played once it goes mainstream. 

  1. Real-world Assets

Finally, NFTs are also being used to tokenize real-world assets. From real estate and luxury goods to intellectual property and digital rights, NFTs are playing a role in businesses globally. By tokenizing these assets, companies and individuals can unlock new liquidity and accessibility, allowing investors to buy and trade fractional ownership stakes in everything from iconic artworks to landmark properties.

For example, imagine being able to invest in a piece of your favourite artist’s work or own a share of a prestigious property in a prime location – all through the power of NFTs. 

This democratisation of ownership is revolutionising the way we think about investing and asset management, opening up new opportunities for people from all walks of life to participate in the global economy. 

No longer do you need to research stocks or dividends to be able to invest in projects you believe in. Now, you can simply invest in your favourite game, artist, or TV show. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just someone looking to invest in something other than stocks and bonds, NFTs offer a new way to access and invest in real-world assets.


Despite what some people may think, NFTs do have a variety of practical use cases.. Through their unique properties and capabilities, NFTs are not only revolutionising industries like art, gaming, and finance but also democratising access to ownership and value creation in the digital realm.

However, with this transformative potential comes responsibility. As the NFT space evolves, we are going to need to address challenges such as environmental sustainability, inclusivity, and regulatory compliance.

So, whether you think NFTs have not yet had their time to shine or believe they are just a passing fad, it’s fair to say that NFTs are being used for practical reasons. No one quite knows that the future holds in store for this technology, but regardless of opinion, it does have some pretty interesting uses and will likely play some role in society going forward.

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