Do the next generation of students need to be educated about cryptocurrency?

The world around us is constantly evolving and we are consistently having to learn new ways of doing things, the operation of new innovations and the introduction of completely new concepts. We currently live in a society that is developing quicker than ever, mainly driven by the tech industry. However, we should see innovations and new tech such as new mobile devices, passport scanners at airports, and cryptocurrency as a sign of society advancing, as opposed to being a hindrance.

The latter, cryptocurrency, is already a major factor in society and since it involves money, is potentially one of the most significant innovations to keep an eye on. What started out with Bitcoin in 2009 has now grown into its own digital banking system that is accepted in most countries around the world, and even has the potential to replace fiat currency. 

This is not likely to happen in the next few years, nor the next few decades, due to the instability of cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Litecoin. However, the impact cryptocurrency is already asserting on many industries has not gone unnoticed and for decision makers at educational institutions not just in the US, but around the world, there might come a time when cryptocurrency needs to be properly studied so that the future generation is prepared for the eventuality that cryptocurrency becomes the main form of currency.

A wallet with coins on it

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Should schools and universities be alarmed? 

The short answer is that cryptocurrency is still in its infancy. With that being said, we are witnessing the presence of cryptocurrency in an increasing number of aspects of our lives. When shopping, more outlets are accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method. One of the main industries that cryptocurrencies have affected is the online casino industry. When looking to gamble with Ethereum or other currencies, this is possible on many online casino operators in an industry that is also growing in prominence. 

Although retail and online casinos have welcomed cryptocurrency into their operations, these two industries are also a more suitable match for digital currency. Retail due to the faster transactions permitted by crypto and QR codes when buying goods, and online casinos because of their online nature and the ability to connect easily with cryptocurrencies.

Although it is hard to predict exactly when, or if, cryptocurrency will emerge as a dominant payment force, the intricacies involved with the blockchain technology behind it add an additional layer of complexity to understanding crypto. The instability factor is what leads experts to believe that cryptocurrency will not be fully established for a while yet, but with Bitcoin reaching an all-time record price of $72,720 this year, it does not seem to be going away either. It also continues to remold the landscape around us, which could well give the next generation more to learn in the future.

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