Dr. Richard M. Heiberger
Professor Emeritus
Department of Statistical Science
Temple University
Fox School of Business
Philadelphia, PA 19122
E-mail: rmh@temple.edu

Biographical Sketch
Richard M. Heiberger is Professor Emeritus of Statistics in the Fox School. He received his B.A. from Oberlin College in 1967 and his Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University in 1972. His primary research area is statistical computing, with emphasis in linear models, statistical graphics, and software design. He teaches graduate courses in statistical methodology, statistical computing, and design of experiments, and supervises doctoral dissertations in Statistics. He was Graduate Chair for the Department of Statistics from 1983 to 1987 and Acting Associate Vice Provost for the University in 1989 to 1990. Professor Heiberger has co-authored the graduate-level textbook Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in R, second edition published by Springer in 2015. He has co-authored the book R through Excel: A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics, published in the Use R! series by Springer in 2009. He wrote the graduate-level textbook Computation for the Analysis of Designed Experiments, published by Wiley in 1989. Professor Heiberger has served as statistics consultant at Bell Labs and at GlaxoSmithKline. He has taught short courses at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings and in industry. He is an elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association and was the 2011 Chair of the ASA Section on Statistical Computing.