A number of resources are available to project partners and stakeholders
The Opioid Overdose and OUD Simulation Model by County for the State of Indiana can he found here.
FRED (A Framework for Reconstructing Epidemiological Dynamics) is an agent-based simulation modeling system for exploring the spatial and temporal patterns of epidemics. In this application, we have incorporated a detailed representation of opioid use disorder (OUD) and overdose deaths into FRED and have calibrated the model from multiple data sources relevant to each county represented. The model currently estimates the impact of the following strategies for preventing opioid overdose deaths:
- The provision of Naloxone, an opioid antidote that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose
- The availability of office-based buprenorphine as medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD)
- The availability of a Problem Solving Court (PSC) in the County
Project Results
Click here to download the PSC Project results.
This one-page document briefly describes the project and its findings
Project Overview
Click here to download the PSC Project Infographic.
This infographic contains a brief overview of the study including data collection methods, statistical analyses, modeling, and deliverables.

Problem Solving Court Project Codebook
Questions were developed to code the protocols, eligibility criteria, and interventions offered by Problem Solving Courts. The questions were based on extensive research into the practices and interventions offered to individuals arrested for drug misuse as well as and communications with community stakeholders.
The codebook provided a single reference point for definitions and acronyms that appeared in the questions to support consistency and transparency in coding. The codebook ensured that the methods used in the project were reliable and are replicable by future researchers.
The codebook can be downloaded here.