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Hanami Meeting

April 3rd, 2022 (Sunday)

Yoyogi Park, hiding from the rain under the gazebo.

We met up in Yoyogi park at around 13:00 and shared various snacks under the gazebo while having a friendly conversation. At this meeting, the new leadership members were announced: Ayano Kameyama and Cainan Hideki Zamami. However, we were told by park managers that we should pack up and leave as we were being too loud and that the use of the gazebo should be time limited for others to also use. We quickly packed everything and while carrying our trash, had a nice walk around the park enjoying the blooming cherry blossoms scenery, despite the rain.

Blooming cherry blossom in Yoyogi Park.

After reaching the other side of the park, and noticing that some other park goers were carrying chickens(?), we made our way back to the station. As the meeting in the park was shorter lived than expected, the majority of the attendees suggested to go to a café to continue the conversation and play some games.

Taken on the other side of Yoyogi Park.

It was a nice way for the members of the PSA to connect and wind down a bit before the exam week(s) started, share some concerns, news, and jokes. Let’s hope that the weather will be better for next time, so we can sit out in the open sky and enjoy each other’s company for longer. Although we didn’t have much planned, overall it was a successful meeting, and we will take it as a learning point for future get-togethers.

Finally, we would like to thank Sarathi and Airi for their one-year leadership of the PSA and wish the best of luck to Aya and Caiman for the next phase of PSA. 頑張れ!いつも応援するよ!


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