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Life After TUJ: Psychology

Life After TUJ event poster

on Wednesday, February 16th 10:30-11:45, we had a Life After TUJ Event held in hybrid style (but the psychology panel was held on zoom). The psychology panel was organized by Erica Adams from the TUJ Career Development Office and moderated by Professor Suzi K. Zimmerman. The panelists were Hana Takeuchi, Savannah Adams, and Jenny Chang (absent on the day).

A capture of the event recording

Hana Takeuchi graduated from TUJ in 2021 with Psychological Studies major and is currently working as a Clinic Intake Coordinator at TELL. Savannah Adams graduated from TUJ in 2017 with a Psychological Studies and Communication Studies major, and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan, LSA Department of Psychology. Lastly, Jenny Chang graduated from TUJ in 2018 with Psychological Studies major and General Business Studies minor, and is currently working as a Social Impact Research Analyst at Mission Measurement and MingYi Foundation.

During the discussion, the panelists were talking about their career paths after graduating from TUJ, the aspects of their work that they love and they don’t love, their daily schedule, and advice to current students, followed by a Q&A session.

it was a great opportunity for us to hear about our Senpais’ experiences, and great to know that there are different paths awaiting us after graduation, even after taking a gap year to better understand what you want! We would like to say thank you to Hana and Savannah! We hope that more opportunities like this are provided in future semesters.


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