May 2024: Congratulations to Alex on getting hooded during the Temple’s Graduation Ceremony.

Alex post-hooding at the graduation ceremony.  Shiv and Alex in Pearson Hall.

Dec 2023: Cole presented his startup idea titled “Movision Pro” at the 26th Annual Innovative Idea Competition at Temple University.

Cole presenting his startup idea at the 26th Annual Innovative Idea Competition at Temple University.
Cole presenting his startup idea at the 26th Annual Innovative Idea Competition at Temple University.
Cole winning the 2023 Digital Innovation Award and 1st place in the Upper Track.
Cole winning the 2023 Digital Innovation Award and 1st place in the Upper Track.

Jul 2023: Lab members working hard.

Nov 2022: Congratulations to Rithika and Alex on leading this work and publishing it in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction Vol. 6, No. CSCW2 Exploring Opportunities to Improve Physical Activity in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Using Context-Aware Messaging.


Nov 2022: Alex presenting our research at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference held in Chicago.

Alex presenting her work at ACRM 2022.

Alex presenting her work at ACRM 2022. Second one.

Summer 2022: Lab members near Ritter Annex.

Lab Members near Ritter Annex, Summer 2022
Lab Members near Ritter Annex, Summer 2022. (L-R) Tessa, Alex, Shiv, Rachel, Cole

Jun 2022: Thanks to Melissa for being a wonderful team member on two of our research projects. Here is a story by the Co article by . Story link.

Melissa Nunn: Integrating as a Spinal Cord Injury Lived Experience Consultant within the Hiremath Research Team
Melissa Nunn: Integrating as a Spinal Cord Injury Lived Experience Consultant within the Hiremath Research Team

Oct 2020: Congratulations to Alex on publishing her manuscript titled “Factors Associated with Multiple Hospital Readmissions for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.” Article Link.

Jun 2020: Shiv presenting as part of the The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Webinar Series on Telerehabilitation.

Webinar link.

UTHSC Telerehabilitation

Jun 2020: Congratulations to Alex and our collaborators on the latest publication titled, “Relationship between pain, fatigue, and physical activity levels during a technology-based physical activity intervention” in the Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine.

Nov 2019: Thanks to all the great collaborators we have. Our article in PLOS ONE was selected by the editors of the PLOS Veterans Disability & Rehabilitation Research Channel to feature in the Editor’s Pick section.

Nov 2019: Alex presenting her research at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2019. Congratulations on winning one of the APHA Disability Section’s Career Enhancement Student Scholarship award for 2019.

Oct 2019: I was one of six mentors for the course of Evidence Based Practice for Doctor in Physical Therapy students. The third year students in my group did a fabulous job presenting their research. Left to right: Joe, AJ, Val, Mike, Shiv, Gabby, Sam, Sarah.

Oct 2019: We are excited that our article titled “Mobile health-based physical activity intervention for individuals with spinal cord injury in the community: A pilot study,” was published by PLOS ONE. Thanks to our collaborators at Northeastern University, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, MossRehab, and Temple. Open Access Article. PDF Link. DOI.

Aug 2019: Congratulations to Amir and our collaborators Drs. Snethen and Salzer at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences for our article being accepted to Schizophrenia Research.  Accepted ManuscriptArticle Link. PDF Link. DOI.

June 2019: Thank you Drs. Weidong Chen and Shaomin Zhang for inviting Dr. Shiv Hiremath to present our lab’s research at the Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China.


May 2019: Congratulations Noor!

April 2019: A regular day at the lab.

Thanks to CPH Media team for the article: Public Health in Focus: Shivayogi Hiremath, assistant professor of physical therapy.

December 2018: From PHIRE Lab: Happy Holidays !!!

Left to Right: Victor, Mica, Alex, Noor, Najafa, Shiv

December 2018: Lab lunch and Ice Cream party.


Left to Right: Shiv, Alex, Najafa, Noor, Mica
Left to Right: Najafa, Alex, Noor, Mica








December 2018: Najafa presenting a poster at the IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB) 2018 (Philadelphia, PA).







November 2018: Our research was covered by Eric Horvath in an article titled “Addressing Accessibility in Wearable Sensor Technology.”


October 2018: Congratulations to Alex on winning a Center for Large Data Research and Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR) Travel award from the University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston to present our research at the American Congress for Rehabilitation Medicine 2018 in Dallas, TX.







August 2018: Congratulations to Amir on obtaining a faculty position at Widener University. We wish him all the best.







August 2018: PHIRE lab’s research was highlighted in NIH Record.

PHIRE Lab's Research Highlighted in NIH Record







July 2018: Noor presenting a poster at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference 2018 (Arlington, VA).








June 2018: Thanks to CPH Media team for these two videos.

Video: Adapting fitness technology to help wheelchair users stay active


Video: Philadelphia high school students get an early start in robotics

6/5/18: Amir and Shiv presenting a poster at the NIH mHealth Technology Showcase 2018.







4/6/18: Noor presenting a poster at the College of Public Health’s Research Day.








4/6/18: Najafa presenting a poster at the College of Public Health’s Research Day.









11/16/17: Shiv presenting at the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing.






11/14/17: Shiv presenting at the Society for Neuroscience 2017.







7/17/17: Congratulations to Noor and Amir for the acceptance of their conference paper titled “Framework to enhance assistive technology based mobility tracking in individuals with spinal cord injury” to the GlobalSIP 2017 (5th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing) going to be held in Montreal, Canada.

6/21/17: Amir presenting our poster at the fifth International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM).






6/21/17: Shiv organized a Graduate Student Presentation and Mentoring session at the fifth International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM). The project was supported by the National Science Foundation.

6/3/17: Congratulations to Shiv, Nathan, and collaborators from the Human Engineering Research Laboratories for the acceptance of their publication titled “Longitudinal prediction of quality of life scores and locomotion in individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury.” The article will be published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

5/18/17: Shiv was selected as an mHealth Scholar for the 2017 mHealth Training Institute (mHTI) going to be held at UCLA. mHTI is a week-long immersion program that provides 30 selected participants with a core educational grounding in mHealth perspectives and methodologies.

5/11/17: Congratulations to Shiv, Wei, and collaborators from Rehab Neural Engineering Labs at the University of Pittsburgh for their publication titled “Human perception of electrical stimulation on the surface of somatosensory cortex” in PLOS ONE.

4/28/17: Congratulations to Amir on his publications titled “Mobile phonocardiogram diagnosis in newborns using support vector machine” and “Hand motion detection in fNIRS neuroimaging data” in Healthcare.

11/1/16: Congratulations to Drs. Hiremath, Intille, Snethen, and Chay on getting a grant titled “Just-in-time adaptive feedback systems to assist individuals with SCI” from Craig H. Neilsen Foundation.