Undergraduate Sign Up

Undergraduate Signup

Submit this form to join the Philosophy Mentor Program community!

  • Please let us know what your preferred pronoun(s) are.
  • Please let us know what your interests are. This can include areas that you want to talk about, areas that you expect to ask for help with in your upcoming classes, or any other interest you might have. If you have never studied philosophy or don’t know yet what you are interested in, that is totally fine! Feel free to note that or leave this blank.
  • If you have any preferences for mentors, please note them here. For example, if you are looking for someone who is a specialist in Marxist theory or if you are more comfortable working with a woman, then you can note that here. If there is a particular graduate student that you want to work with, feel free to note that as well. *Note: The Philosophy Mentor Program cannot guarantee that your preferences will all be met. We will do the best that we can within the parameters we are working with.