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Working a Website for Temple

My name is Ed Núñez. I had a stroke on June 8, 2020. It happened while I was on my vacation with Cape Cod for the summer. I ended up with the full summer as he worked on Aphasia.


I returned to Philadelphia in August and worked with GoodShepherd Penn Partners for therapy. They suggested I contacted Gayle Dede to see about the PACT Group at Temple. (My wife had to help as I was having a struggle with language)


Between Alex, at therapy, and Gayle, I worried about writing stories to work on my language. I also needed to get back trying on how to get my computer learning all of these things that I had done without my stroke.


I started on Word and then Excel along with some of those things on Apps that I used. I also learned about writing a website to show my stories to friends. I started to learn how to do it on WordPress.


Gayle told me that they wanted to work on a website for the PACT Group and they recognize them to use WordPress for Temple. Gayle got me with Temple to be able to work on it. I had to spend a lot of time on this and it’s actually going to be nice for Aphasia, PACT, and Temple.


The idea is to send our Aphasia team to write about their life with Aphasia. We also want to talk about the PACT group to join how Aphasia can help them.


It’s just starting. Many will help us tell stories for us. Now we need content.


I have started to learn about WordPress and starting how to add a website. Perhaps I can send Gayle to add a PACT Group for those with Aphasia who had worked with computers before their stroke.