NUclear PArticle eXeriment Research Group
Professor Bernd Surrow
Following the site selection for construction of the U.S. Electron-Ion Collider research facility by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in early 2020, the EIC Users Group led a year-long Yellow Report initiative to define the detector design criteria needed to realize the EIC physics described in the EIC White Paper, supported by the National Academy of Sciences. Using the Yellow Report as input, a Reference Detector concept was presented at the recently held DOE Critical Decision-1 review of the EIC.
A Call for EIC Detector Proposals has been issued by DOE & BNL/JLab on March 6, 2021, with an expected proposal submission deadline on December 1st, 2021. The EICUG community’s strong preference for two detectors has led to multiple exciting detector initiatives. We invite all interested groups and consortia to come together to plan for a detector inspired by the Yellow Report detector concept based on a new central detector magnet up to 3T. We are actively planning to evolve this effort into a concrete detector proposal and start the process of forming a new collaboration for IP6. Please contact us if you wish to join us!
Animation of the ATHENA experiment using EIC 3D by Sean Preins, University of California, Riverside, based on simulated data and model by the ATHENA Collaboration.
Image design by Joanna Griffin and Shannon West of Jefferson Lab