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Peace is found when the quiet comes.

This piece was written after being asked by the creators of the “Still Vexed” blog to write a poem reflective of the Bermudian experience after a hurricane. It was posted the day after a hurricane had just passed Bermuda.

After the wind stops howling gospel,

we will see undressed earth

littered with relics of squalls

remembrance                              of the ritual that swallows home

The quiet comes in waves

In a swollen silence

A lull    draped in the color of bruise

A battered canvas

Landscape repainted with clumsy artistry

This new quiet             is tribute to christened earth

Though we have escaped the wrath of storm’s mouth

the salt smell of its throat still hangs on breeze

We walk the jungle of branch             and windswept

It is scribed in our bones to do this

as if it is duty to study the product of nature’s churn

Returning to the once untouched parts

to see how unforgiving storm was

We find a god in us after storm’s exhale

We gather in flocks

We commune

standing over undressed earth

savoring the quiet’s sweet

Also published at