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mother takes warfare by the throat.

This piece was written early in 2020 in a course with the writing prompt being “War of Words.” Having raised me, my mother is an important part of who I am. This poem honors how protective she was of my siblings and I growing up.

My mother carries gunpowder on her lips

                              always equipped for war of words

if it means protecting the countries that she birthed

She mastered the precious art

               of being all the sharp support that I ever needed

               An art form that was a generational dove

               passed on from my grandma

               who was the sweetest knife that could ever pierce skin

The matriarchs of my family have known

how to cut and carry for as long as I remember

known how to find harmony                             while wielding

their woman and weapon gracefully

known how to claim scalps of the tender if deemed necessary

There has always been a quiet in me

               an armor of retreat that kept me from frontline

               an arsenal of silence, as I shied from battlefield

No venom to match the snap held by my mother

She carries no surrender       white flag will cover casualties

But maybe they shouldn’t have lifted their tongues to begin with

An image version can be seen at