
Michael A. Leeds

Department of Economics

Temple University

Philadelphia, PA 19122


Email: mleeds@temple.edu


Ph. D., Princeton University, 1983            Major: Economics

BA, Haverford College, 1977                    Major: Economics

Professional Positions

Professor, Temple University (July 2008 – Present)

Director of Undergraduate Studies (July 2022 – present)

Department Chair (August 2016 – July 2019)

Associate Professor (July 1990 – June 2008)

Assistant Professor (September 1982 – June 1990)

Director of Graduate Studies (February 2011 – July 2016; December 2021 – July 2023)

Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, June 2013 – present)

Director, EMBA Program, Temple University Japan (September 2007 – June 2009)

Assistant Dean, Temple University Japan (July 2007 – June 2009)

Visiting Associate Professor, University of Michigan (September 2006 – May 2007)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Haverford College (September 1989 – May 1990)

Professional Memberships

American Economic Association

Eastern Economic Association

North American Association of Sports Economists

Western Economic Association

 Teaching Experience

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics

Intermediate Microeconomics

Introduction to Econometrics

Economics of Sports

Economics Writing Seminar

Socioeconomic Context of Business (MBA and On-line MBA)

Graduate Labor Economics

 Awards and Honors

Economics Department Award for Outstanding Service (2023)

Economics Department Award for Outstanding Teaching (2022)

Economics Department Award for Outstanding Service (co-winner, 2022)

Temple University Japan Executive MBA Class of 2017 Outstanding Instructor (2017)

Economics Department Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching (2011)

Blue Mouse Award for Innovation in Teaching, Fox School of Business (2011)

Award for Service to the Fox School Honors Program (2010)

Professor of the Year: Fox School Honors Program (2000, 2001, 2005, 2006)

Teacher of the Year: University Honors Program (2006)



Leeds, Eva M. and MichaelA. Leeds, editors (2013). Handbook on the Economics of Women in Sports, London: Edward Elgar, available on-line at http://www.elgaronline.com/abstract/9781849809382.xml

Leeds, Michael A., Peter von Allmen, and Victor Matheson (2018). The Economics of Sports, Boston: Routledge, 7th Edition

Leeds, Michael A., Peter von Allmen, and Richard Schiming (2006). Economics, Boston: Addison Wesley

Book Chapters

Malone, Kelly and Michael A. Leeds. 2023. The Effect of Having an On-Campus Football Stadium on Attendance, in The Economic Impact of Sports Facilities, Franchises, and Events: Contributions in Honor of Robert Baade, Victor Matheson and Robert Baumann, ed., Springer.

Leeds, Michael A. and Hugh Rockoff. 2019. Beating the odds: Black jockeys in the Kentucky Derby, 1870-1911. In Richard Pomfret and John Wilson editors, Historical Perspectives in Sports Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 136-149

Leeds, Michael A. 2019. Is There a Gender Difference in the Response to Competitive Settings? In Paul Downward et al., editors, The Handbook of the Economics of Sports. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2017. The Effect of Wage Inequality on Performance in Nippon Professional Baseball. In Tim Pawlowski and Marcel Fahrner, editors, Arbeitsmarkt und Sport–eine ökonomische Betrachtung / Sport Labor Economics (Sportökonomie/ Sport Economics), Schorndorf: Hoffman: 39-52.

Leeds, M.A. and S. Sakata. 2014. In Rodney Fort and Young Hoon Lee, editors, The Sports Business in the Pacific Rim, “Professional Sports Teams as Advertisements: The Case of Nippon Professional Baseball,” New York: Springer-Verlag

Booth, R. and M.A. Leeds. 2013. In Eva Marikova Leeds and Michael A. Leeds, editors, Handbook on the Economics of Women’s Sports, “Participation in Women’s Sport in Australia,” London: Edward Elgar

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds. 2013. In Eva Marikova Leeds and Michael A. Leeds, editors, Handbook on the Economics of Women’s Sports, “Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Economic Contests? The Case of Men’s and Ladies’ Figure Skating,” London: Edward Elgar

Humphreys, B., M.A. Leeds, and P. von Allmen. 2012. In Hoyt, Gail and KimMarie McGoldrick, (Eds.) The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. “Sports Economics as Applied Microeconomics.”  London: Edward Elgar.

Leeds, E.M and M.A. Leeds. 2012. In Leo Kahane and Stephen Shmanske, (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Sports Economics, “Event Analysis.” Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Leeds, M. A. 2008. In Dennis Howard and Brad Humphreys (Eds.) The Business of Sports (vol. 2), “Salary Caps and Luxury Taxes in Professional Sports Leagues.” Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.

Leeds, M. A. 2007. In Wladimir Andreff, Jeffrey Borland, and Stefan Szymanski (Eds.) The Handbook of Sport Economics, “American Football.” London: Edward Elgar.

Leeds, M. A., McCormick, B. E. 2006. In John Fizel (Ed.) Handbook of Sports Economics Research, “Econometric Issues in Sports Economics.” Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

 Leeds, M. A. 2005. In Rudi Mullner, Georg Spitaler, Michael Zinganel, and Matthias Marschik (Eds.) Das Stadion: Geschichte, Architektur, Politik, Ökonomie, “Winners and Losers at the Stadium Game: The American Experience with Stadiums.” Vienna: Turia and Kant.

Leeds, M. A., Y. Suris, and J. Durkin. 2004. In John Fizel and Rodney Fort (Eds.) The Economics of Collegiate Sports, “The Impact of Big-time Football Programs on the Status of Women’s Athletics.” Westport, CT: Praeger.

Leeds, M.A. 2004. In Bonnie Parkhouse (Ed.) The Management of Sport: Its Foundation and Application, “The Economics of Sport.” St. Louis: McGraw-Hill.

Leeds, M. A. and E. Wheaton. 2003. In William J. Stull and Nicholas Sanders (Eds.) The School to Work Movement: Origins and Destinations, “The Youth Labor Market in the 1990s.” Westport, CT: Praeger.

Leeds, M. and S. Kowaleski. 1999. In Lawrence Hadley and Elizabeth Gustafson (Eds.) Current Research in the Economics of Sports, “Free Agency, Salary Caps, and the Distribution of Income in the National Football League.” Westport, CT: Praeger

 Refereed Journal Articles

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2024. I’ll Take Gender Differences for $400: Using Jeopardy! to Analyze Attitudes toward Risk. Eastern Economic Journal.

Olsen, Amanda and Michael A. Leeds. 2024. “Integration and Team Performance in the NBA,” Journal of Sports Economics, 25(2), February: 257-278.

Leeds, Michael A. and Eva M. Leeds. 2022. All out, all the time? Superstars and incentives on the LPGA Tour, in The International Journal of Empirical Economics, 1(4), December.

Diemer, George and Michael A. Leeds. 2022. “The Point Spread as a Reference Point: Evidence from the National Basketball Association,” Journal of Applied Sport Management, 14(1): 39-48.

Leeds, Michael A. 2022. “Teaching The Economics of Sports,” Journal of Economic Education, 53(2): 150-158.

Leeds, Michael A. and Ngoc Tram Nguyen Pham. 2020. “Productivity, Rents, and the Salaries of Group of Five Football Coaches,” Journal of Sports Economics, 21(1), January: 3-19.

Leeds, Michael A., Eva Marikova Leeds, and Aaron Harris. 2018. Rent-sharing and the Compensation of Head Coaches in Power Five College Football. Review of Industrial Organization.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2017. Monopsony Power in the Labor Market of Nippon Professional Baseball, Managerial and Decision Economics, 38(5), July: 689-696.

Sullivan, Corinne and Michael A. Leeds. 2016. Will the Games Pay? An Event Analysis of the 2020 Summer Olympics Announcement on Stock Markets in Japan, Spain, and Turkey. Applied Economics Letters 23(12), August: 880-883.

Banko Lauren, Eva Marikova Leeds, and Michael A. Leeds. 2016. Gender Differences in Response to Setbacks: Evidence from Professional Tennis, Social Science Quarterly, 97(2) June: 161-176.

Motomura, A., K. Roberts, D.M. Leeds, and M.A. Leeds. 2016 Does it Pay to Build through the Draft in the National Basketball Association? Journal of Sports Economics, 17(5) June: 501-516.

Von Allmen, P., M.A. Leeds, and J. Malakorn. 2015. Victims or Beneficiaries? Wage Premia and National Origin in the National Hockey League,” Journal of Sports Management, 29(6), November: 633-641.

Leeds, D.M., M.A. Leeds, and A. Motomura. 2015. Are Sunk Costs Really Irrelevant? Draft Position and Playing Time in the NBA. Economic Inquiry, 53(2), April: 1305-1316.

Berri, D.J., M.A. Leeds, and P. von Allmen. 2015. Salary Determination in the Presence of Fixed Revenues. International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(1), February: 5-25.

Garrett, A. and M.A. Leeds. 2015. The Economics of Community Gardens. Eastern Economic Journal. 41(2), Spring: 200-213.

Diemer, G. and M.A. Leeds. 2013. Failing to Cover: Point-shaving or Statistical Anomaly? International Journal of Sports Finance 8(3): 175-181.

Leeds, M.A., P. von Allmen and S. Sakata. 2012. Wage Determinants in Japanese Baseball. Eastern Economic Journal, 38(4): 479-494.

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds. 2012. Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Determining National Success in Men’s and Women’s Summer Olympic Events. Jahrbücher f. Nationalökonomie u. Statistik, 232(3): 279-292.

Leeds, M.A. and S. Sakata. 2012. Take Me Out to the Yakushiai: Determinants of Attendance at Baseball Games in Japan. Journal of Sports Economics, 13(1): 34-52.

Leeds, M.A. 2010. Is Bad News Always Bad? The Impact of Floyd Landis’s Rise and Fall on Phonak. Applied Economics Letters, 17(8): 805-808.

Leeds, E. M. and M.A. Leeds. 2009. International Soccer Success and National Institutions. Journal of Sports Economics, 10(4): 369-390.

Berri, D.J., M.A. Leeds, E.M. Leeds, and M. Mondello. 2009. The Role of the Manager in Team Success. International Journal of Sports Finance, 4(2): 75-93.

Leeds, M.A., J. Mirikitani, and D. Tang. 2009. Rational Exuberance? An Event Analysis of the 2008 Olympics Announcement. International Journal of Sports Finance, 4(1): 5-15.

Leeds, M. A. 2008. Do Good Olympics Make Good Neighbors? The Impact of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games on the Colorado Economy. Contemporary Economic Policy, 26(3), 460-467.

Leeds, E. M., M.A. Leeds, and I. Pistolet. 2007. A Stadium by Any Other Name: The Value of Naming Rights. Journal of Sports Economics, 8(6), 581-595.

Leeds, M. A., C. Miller, and J. Stull. 2007. Interscholastic Athletics and Investment in Human Capital. Social Science Quarterly, 88(3): 729-744.

Leeds, M. A., and P. von Allmen. 2004. Spousal Complementarities in Home Production. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 63(4): 795-812.

Leeds, M. A. 2003. Race, Opportunities, and Incentives: the Importance of Timing. Review of Black Political Economy, 30(3): 55-69.

Leeds, M. A. 2002. Collegiate Athletic Directors as Entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures, 7(2), 33-39.

Leeds, M. A. and S. Kowaleski. 2001. Winner-Take-All in the NFL: The Impact of Free Agency and the Salary Cap on Skill Position Players. Journal of Sports Economics, 2(3): 244-256.

Leeds, M. A., W.J. Stull, and J. Westbrook. 1998. Teacher’s Attitudes, Teaching Techniques and Student Evaluations of Teachers. Journal of Education for Business. 74(2): 75-79.

Leeds, Michael A. 1990. Part-time Status and Hourly Earnings of Black and White Men. Economic Inquiry 28(3), July: 544-554.

Leeds, Michael A. 1989. Government Debt, Immigration, and Durable Public Goods. Public Finance Review 17(2), April: 227-235.

Leeds, Michael A. 1988. Rank-order Tournaments and Worker Incentives. Atlantic Economic Journal 16(2), June: 74-77.

Leeds, Michael A. 1987. Bargaining as Search Behavior under Mutual Uncertainty. Southern Economic Journal, January: 677-684.

Leeds, Michael A. 1985. Property Values and Pension Underfunding in the Local Public Sector. Journal of Urban Economics 18(1), July: 34-46.

 Conference Proceedings

Leeds, M. A., D. Leeds, I. Pistolet, and E. Wheaton (2003). Discrimination against Europeans in the National Hockey League. Twenty-first World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2002.


Leeds, Michael A. 2020. Can Cities Bring Home the Gold? What Economic Theory Tells Us About Hosting the Olympic Games, The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 18(5.1) March.

Leeds, M.A. (2015) “Sports and the Accumulation of Human Capital,” IZA World of Labor, Institute for the Study of Labor.

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds (2015) “Cracking the Glass Ceiling,” Ivey Business Journal, University of Western Ontario. On-line at http://iveybusinessjournal.com/cracking-the-glass-ceiling/.

Leeds, M.A. and R. Sauer (2014) Guest co-editors of Journal of Sports Economics. 15(5)

Leeds, M. A. (2014). Review of: The Best Interests of Baseball by Andrew Zimbalist. Journal of Sports Economics. 15(1): 97-102.

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds (2010). “The Beautiful Game and the Dismal Science,”

OECDinsights, on-line at http://www.oecdinsights.org, posted June 14, 2010.

Leeds E.M., M.A. Leeds, and I. Pistolet (2009). Reply to Blair and Haynes. Journal of Sports Economics, 10(2): 207-208.

Leeds, M. A. (2008). Review of: The Bottom Line by Andrew Zimbalist, Journal of Sports Economics. 9 (1): 106-109.

Leeds, M. A. (2007). A Commentary on Coaching Experience, Playing Experience and Coaching Tenure. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, 2(2).


Presentations Given

Leeds, Michael A. and Eva Marikova Leeds. 2022. Majoring in Football? Clustering in the Majors Chosen by College Athletes. Western Economic Association International, Portland, OR.

Malone, Kelly and Michael A. Leeds. 2022. The Effect of Having an On-Campus Football Stadium on Attendance.  Western Economic Association International, Portland, OR.

Diemer, George and Michael A. Leeds. 2022. Fair Skies and Fairways. Western Economic Association International, Portland, OR.

Olsen, Amanda and Michael A. Leeds. 2021. Adapt or Die? Integration and Team Performance in the National Basketball Association. European Sports Economics Association online conference, August.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2021. I’ll Take Gender Differences for $400: Using Jeopardy! to Analyze Attitudes toward Risk. North American Association of Sports Economists online conference, June 2021.

Olsen, Amanda and Michael A. Leeds. 2021. Adapt or Die? Integration and Team Performance in the National Basketball Association. North American Association of Sports Economists online conference, June 2021.

Leeds, Michael A. 2021. Teaching Sports Economics. Allied Social Science Association online conference, January.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2020. Markets and Income Inequality in Professional Sports.  North American Association of Sports Economists Online Conference, June

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2019. If You Build It, Will They Vote? Western Economic Association, San Francisco, June.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2018. Pay Inequality and Team Performance in Nippon Professional Baseball. Western Economic Association, Vancouver, June.

Leeds, Michael A. and Han Hong Gia Pham. 2018. No Country for Young Women? The Impact of Restrictive Legislation on Women’s Health in Texas. Western Economic Association, Vancouver, June.

Leeds, Michael A. and Ngoc Tram Nguyen Pham. 2018. Movin’ on Up? Productivity, Rents, and the Compensation of Group of Five College Football Coaches.  Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March.

Leeds, Michael A. and Hugh Rockoff. 2017. Jim Crow in the Saddle: The Expulsion of African American Jockeys from American Racing. Western Economic Association, San Diego, June.

Hussain, M. Jawaad, Daniel M. Leeds, Michael A. Leeds. 2017. Do Longer Schedules Mean More Injuries?  Evidence from the National Football League. Western Economic Association, San Diego, June.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2017. Incentives and Institutions: Evidence from Nippon Professional Baseball. Western Economic Association, San Diego, June.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2017. Rent-sharing and the Compensation of Head Coaches in Power Five College Football. Western Economic Association International, International, Santiago, January.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2016. Incentives and Institutions: Evidence from Nippon Professional Baseball. AK-Sportoekonomie Conference, International, Tubingen, Germany, May.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2016. Monopsony Power in Nippon Professional Baseball. Western Economic Association International, Singapore, January.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2014. Rents and Salaries of Head Coaches in the Football Bowl Subdivision. Western Economic Association, International, Denver, July.

Ascanio, Katy and Michael A. Leeds. 2014. To Play or Not To Play: Using Participation in the PGA Tour To Measure Labor Supply. Eastern Economic Association, National, Boston, March.

McMinn, Tessa and Michael A. Leeds. 2014. Less Profitable or Less Desired? Why Are Coaches of Women’s Sports Paid Less? Eastern Economic Association, National, Boston, March.

Leeds, Eva Marikova and Michael A. Leeds. 2013. “Gender Differences in Response to Setbacks: Evidence from Professional Tennis,” Southern Economic Association, National, Tampa, November.

Leeds, M.A. “Sports and Econometrics Topics: Quantile Regression,” Western Economic Association, Seattle (July 2013)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Do Superstars Matter for Women?” Western Economic Association, Seattle (July 2013)

Von Allmen, P., M.A. Leeds, and J. Malakorn, “Do Europeans Face Wage and Positional Discrimination in the NHL?” Western Economic Association, Seattle (July 2013)

Banko, L., E.M. Leeds, and M.A. Leeds, “Gender, Preferences, and Comebacks,” Eastern Economic Association, New York (May 2013)

Diemer, G. and M.A. Leeds, “Lightning in a Bottle? No-hitters and the Pitchers Who Throw Them,” Eastern Economic Association, New York (May 2013)

Von Allmen, P., M.A. Leeds, and J. Malakorn, “Do Europeans Face Wage and Positional Discrimination in the NHL?” Eastern Economic Association, New York (May 2013)

Banko, L., E.M. Leeds, and M.A. Leeds, “Gender, Preferences, and Comebacks,” Western Economic Association Pacific Rim, Tokyo (March 2013)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Causes and Consequences of Competitive Balance in Japanese Baseball,” Western Economic Association Pacific Rim, Tokyo (March 2013)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Was There an Annika Effect in the LPGA?”  Western Economic Association, San Francisco (July 2012)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Was There an Annika Effect in the LPGA?”  Eastern Economic Association, Boston (March 2012)

Leeds, E.M. and M. A. Leeds, “Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Pressure? Evidence from Figure Skating,” Southern Economic Association, Washington, D.C. (November, 2011)

Leeds, E.M. and M. A. Leeds, “Ladies’ Figure Skating as an Economic Contest,” Western Economic Association, San Diego (July 2, 2011)

Berri, D., M.A. Leeds, and P. von Allmen, “The Distribution of Economic Rents in the NBA,” Western Economic Association, San Diego (July 1, 2011)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Causes and Consequences of Competitive Balance in Japanese Baseball,” Eastern Economic Association, New York (February 25, 2011)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Who Wins What? Why Countries Win Specific Olympic Medals,” Western Economic Association, Portland (July 1, 2010)

Leeds, D. and M.A. Leeds, “Are Sunk Costs Really Irrelevant? Draft Position and Playing Time in the NBA,” Western Economic Association, Portland (July 2, 2010)

Leeds, M.A, “Enforcement of Rules against Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Case of Major League Baseball,” International Health Economics Association, 7th World Congress on Health Economics, Beijing, China (July 2009)

Leeds, M.A., S. Sakata, and P. von Allmen, “Wage Determinants in Japanese Baseball,” Western Economic Association International Annual Meeting, Vancouver (July 1, 2009)

Leeds, M.A. and S. Sakata, “Determinants of Attendance at Baseball Games in Japan,” Western Economic Association International Pacific Rim Conference, Kyoto (March 24, 2009)

Leeds, E.M. and M.A. Leeds, “Who Wins What? Income, Culture, and Olympic Performance,” Western Economic Association International Pacific Rim Conference, Kyoto (March 24, 2009)

Leeds, M.A., J. Scott, C. Swanson, D. Wargo, and R. Dujarric, Global Temple, “The Global Financial Crisis: A View from Two Continents,” Temple University, Philadelphia (November 11, 2008).

Leeds, E. M., M.A. Leeds, and D. Tang, Western Economic Association Annual Meetings, “Incentives and Rewards of Head Football Coaches,” Western Economic Association International, Honolulu (July 2, 2008)

Leeds, M.A., J.M. Mirikitani, and D.Tang, Western Economic Association Annual Meetings, “Rational Exuberance? The Impact of Hosting the Olympics on Stock Prices,” Western Economic Association International, Honolulu (July 1, 2008)

Leeds, M. A. and B. Huttner, “Charitable Contributions, Volunteer Time and Marriage,” Western Economic Association International, Seattle, Washington (July 2007)

Leeds, M. A. and E.M. Leeds, “International Soccer Success and National Institutions,” Eastern Economic Association, New York, New York (February 2007)

Leeds, M. A., “Do Good Olympics Make Good Neighbors,” Southern Economic Association, Charleston, South Carolina (November 2006)

Leeds, E. M. and M.A. Leeds, “Do Good Coaches Win the Close Ones: Total Factor Productivity in the NBA,” Western Economic Association International, San Diego, California (July 2006)

Leeds, M. A., “Do Good Olympics Make Good Neighbors,” Western Economic Association International, San Diego, CA (July 2006)

Leeds, M. A. and E.M. Leeds, “Total Factor Productivity in the National Basketball Association,” Eastern Economic Association, Philadelphia, PA (February 2006)

Leeds, M. A., Miller, C., Stull, J., “Interscholastic Athletics and Investment in Human Capital,” Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC (November 2005)

Leeds, M. A., Miller, C., Stull, J., “Interscholastic Athletics and Investment in Human Capital,” Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, CA (July 2005)

Leeds, M. A., van der Goes, D., “Is the Honeymoon Over? The Declining Impact of New Facilities on Attendance in Major League Baseball,” Western Economic Association International, Vancouver, Canada (July 2004)

Dunkelberg, W., Leeds, M. A., Scott, J., “Loan Search and Banking Relationships,” Eastern Finance Association, Mystic, CT (April 2004)

Leeds, E. M., Leeds, M. A., Pistolet, I., “What’s in a Name? The Value of Naming Rights,” Western Economic Association International, Denver, CO (July 2003)

Leeds, D., Leeds, M. A., Twenty-first World Congress, “Discrimination against Europeans in the National Hockey League,” Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Plzen, Czech Republic (July 2002)

Leeds, M. A., Pistolet, I., “The Impact of Race on Playing Time in the National Basketball Association,” Western Economic Association International, Seattle, WA (July 2002)

Leeds, M. A., Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Research, “Collegiate Athletic Directors as Entrepreneurs,” New York, New York (April 2002)

Leeds, M. A., Pistolet, I., Wheaton, E., “Discrimination in the National Basketball Association,” Atlantic Economic Society, Philadelphia, PA (October 2001)

Leeds, M. A., Wheaton, E., “Tournaments, Performance, and Gender: A Comparison of the PGA and the LPGA,” Western Economic Association International, San Francisco, CA (July 2001)

Revised December 21, 2023

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