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Urban Bioethics alumni are working nationwide to address health disparities in their communities. We are incredibly proud of their ongoing commitment toward building a more ethical world.

MA Urban Bioethics alumni are taking their commitment to health equity to residencies, jobs, and fellowships across the country.

Class of 2023

In 2022-23 another 45 alumni completed their theses and graduated with their Master of Arts in Urban Bioethics and 1 alumna completed the Graduate Certificate in Urban Bioethics.

You can learn more about our most recent alumni and their theses here.

Spring 2023 MAUB Presentation of Graduates cover

Alumni Spotlight

We invite you to learn more about our alumni through their interviews, professional accomplishments, and publications.

Interview with Jenny Nguyen

(MD ’21, MA ’21)

Interview with Arianna Ahiagbe

(MD ’20, MA ’20)

Ikenna Achebe (MA ’21)

Yasmeen Bruton (MA ’15)

Andrew Coulter (MD ’16, MA ’16)

Adys Mendizabal (MD’16, MA’16)

  • Mendizabal A, Thibault DP, Crispo JA, Paley A, Willis AW. “Comorbid disease drives short-term hospitalization outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis” Neurol Clin Pract. 2020 Jun;10(3):255-264. doi: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000838. PMID: 32642327
  • Mendizabal A, Ngo Vu AT, Thibault D, Gonzalez-Alegre P, Willis A. “Hospitalizations of Children with Huntington’s Disease in the United States. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2017 Sep 11;4(5):682-688. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12506. eCollection 2017 Sep-Oct. PMID: 30363491 Free PMC article.
  • Mendizabal A, Thibault DP, Willis AW. “Patient safety events in hospital care of individuals with epilepsy.” Epilepsia. 2016 Aug;57(8):1301-9. doi: 10.1111/epi.13440. Epub 2016 Jun 28. PMID: 27350435 Free article.
  • Thibault DP, Mendizabal A, Abend NS, Davis KA, Crispo J, Willis AW. “Hospital care for mental health and substance abuse in children with epilepsy.”

    Research Projects
  • Editing Manuscript on “Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adults with Neurological Disease” – Manuscript accepted to Neurology Clinical Practice with Major Revisions (currently working in editing process)

    Other Activities
  • Implemented a Health Equities Curriculum for University of Pennsylvania’s Neurology Residency Program (submitting manuscript with results)
  • Actively involved with the Huntington’s Disease (HD) Center of Excellence at UCLA. Career goal is to ultimately be an HD specialist and focus on epidemiology, health equities, and advocacy within HD

Christy Santoro (MA ’21)

Cara Smith (MD ’17, MA ’17)

Sarab Sodhi (MD ’15, MA ’15)