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Word cloud of 20 most frequent words in MAUB thesis abstracts, 2014-2021


The culminating event of the MA in Urban Bioethics is the completion of a 20-25 page empirical or non-empirical thesis that makes a novel contribution to the field of urban bioethics. Students also complete a thesis poster and publicly present their work at the TUHS Annual Ethics Symposium and our program’s Thesis Poster event.

If you would like to read our alumni’s published theses, please visit TUScholarShare and restrict to ‘Urban Bioethics’ as the department.

Students who intend to incorporate statistics into their thesis may want to consult with a statistician in the Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology. The first consult is free, though additional in-depth support may require a fee. Interested students should reach out to:

Frederick V. Ramsey, PhD
Statistical Analyst/Programmer

Advisor Selection

Students should reach out to a potential thesis advisor via email to discuss their thesis topic, anticipated graduation, and to obtain the faculty member’s agreement to serve as the thesis advisor.

When the faculty member has agreed to the project, students should complete the thesis advisor selection form.

FMSE & MAUB Thesis (MD/MA Students)

Dual degree MD/MA students will take a Faculty Mentored Scholarly Experience (FMSE) 4-week rotation in their third and fourth years.


The third year FMSE includes a blend of guided and independent research. You’ll get exposure to expertise from the library research staff and other researchers and research administrators on best practices for beginning a scholarly research project.

FMSE 1 is the perfect time to:

  • Focus in on your key area of scholarly urban bioethics interest.
  • Identify your thesis advisor (you’ll need a primary advisor from CUB, you can have secondary advisors from elsewhere in or out of the university)
  • Learn/reinforce foundational research skills
  • Begin (if you do this rotation early) or complete (if you are later in the year) your background literature review
  • Begin or complete your background and significance drafts
  • Consult with biostats or other departments as necessary

Note – FMSE 1 timeline/assignments subject to change


In year 4 you’ll have the opportunity to participate in an optional FMSE 2 rotation. Urban Bioethics students should expect to do this if their thesis is not already done.

The FMSE 2 rotation is less structured than FMSE 1 which allows students to work more extensively with their thesis advisor during this time. FMSE 2 is a time to:

  • Complete your first draft (if you are earlier in the year) or your final draft (if later)
  • Revise and resubmit as necessary to your advisor
  • Get consultation as necessary from any support services
  • Format your thesis and upload
  • Prepare the final abstract for the FMSE requirement
  • Prepare your poster for presentation at the TUHS annual ethics symposium.