Please Do Something About Unruly Teens in the Library

There is a group of teenagers that are often in the library and they have no respect for anyone else in the library. I always see them running around and screaming. Today, I could hear them shaking and pounding on the vending machines in Tuttleman. Shouldn’t they be more respectful of our campus and library? Who is supposed to be supervising them?


Yes. They should be better behaved and respectful of others when in Temple buildings. Yes. Someone should be supervising them. Unfortunately for others on campus neither of these things is happening. I spent some time investigating the problem by trying to find out what group this is and who does supervise it. It turns out that Temple has multiple programs for teenagers during the summer, including orientations, admission programs for high school students, special programs such as Outward Bound, and programs sponsored by the Russell Conwell Center and other offices. Without much information to go on, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly what group sponsors the teens you enountered. After an exchange of emails with other Temple departments including admissions, student services and the student center, I think we were able to indentify this group and the supervisor is going to be notified and made aware that more adult supervision is needed. I have also notified all library staff that they should be alert to unruly teens, and to engage them and find out what group they are with. That may further help us to put a stop to this unruly behavior.


Please know that the Temple University Libraries does have a policy that forbids those under 18 to enter the library unless accompanied by a supervising adult. However, this doesn’t apply to those under 18 entering the library who are part of  a program that is officially sponsored by Temple. So we are aware that unsupervised teens can create problems for others, and we are sensitive to this issue.

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