I am a Selma Lee Bloch Brown Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Temple University. My research is in the area of algebraic number theory. I work with modular forms, Galois representations, elliptic curves, and motives using p-adic methods. I received my Ph.D. from UCLA in 2016 with Haruzo Hida, after which I was a postdoc at the University of Paris 13 (LAGA), the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, and the University of Oxford.
- jaclyn [dot] lang [at] temple [dot] edu
- Wachman Hall 606
- Department of Mathematics
- Temple University
- Wachman Hall
- 1805 North Broad Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
I coorganize the following seminars. If you are in the Philadelphia area and are interested in speaking in one of them, please send me an email.