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Author: Jay Vongphachanh

Temple OwlHacks – TechNFriends

This event was Temple’s first ever Hackathon event where students are invited to start and finish a project within 12 hours. By being part of this event I was making history at Temple University and was able to work with students from all different levels.

For this project my team made a python script that collects student information from Canvas and automatically adds them into a slack group depending on the class they are currently attending. For this project we used Python and Django to manipulate the Canvas and Slack api to make this all work.

In the end of the Hackathon we were one of the few groups remaining that were able to demonstrate a finished prototype. We also won a sponsored category – Lockheed Martin’s Best First Time Hack

Senior Design (SD II – Electrical Team)

            Senior Day : Nov 2018

Senior Design Teams – One Electrical and One Mechanical

Our Senior Design project is a continuation project where our final goal is to have Temple University compete in the RoboNation competition – RoboBoat

As a university we haven’t has the opportunity to compete in the competition since 2015 due to the difficulty and scale of the project. Normally the project has multiple teams working on the boat simultaneously at other universities but currently the project is being worked on by four engineering undergraduates, myself included since there was no team taking our the mechanical group for the year 2019.

Our goal this year as Senior Engineering students is to completely update the hardware of the boat and carefully document our progress so that one day a team of Temple Engineers can take our progress to the competition. In past Senior Design classes many hours have been placed on the boat but very little documentation has been written, making it very difficult to carry the project to future classmates.

Our group this year has started a GitHub repository being overseen by our adviser and we also plan on creating a website with videos and documents of our progression.