
Jane DeRose Evans                                 jevans@temple.edu            (215) 777-9738

Art History, affiliated with the Department of Greek and Roman Classics

Tyler School of Art and Architecture     Temple University              Philadelphia, PA 19122

Chair of Art History, 2017-present

Professor of Art History, 2008-present, Temple University

1997- 2008        Associate Professor, Temple University, Art History Department

1991 – 1997      Assistant Professor, Temple University, Art History Department

1989 – 1991      Lecturer, Temple University, Art History Department

1988 – 1989       Visiting Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins, Department of Classics

1987 – 1988      Lecturer, Rutgers University, Department of Classics

1987                  Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania

Other:  Series Editor, Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima publications

Director, Publication of C Field, Caesarea Maritima

Numismatist for Harvard-Cornell Sardis Expeditions

Fellow of the American Numismatic Society

President-Elect, American Society of Overseas Research

Education and Training

PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Classical Archaeology, 1985

Dissertation:  “The Legends of Early Rome used as Political Propaganda in the Republic and during the Time of Augustus”

MA, University of Pennsylvania, Classical Archaeology, 1984

American Numismatic Society Graduate Seminar 1983

AB, Franklin and Marshall College, Classics (Languages), 1978


Grant for travel to Sardis Expeditions (Harvard University), yearly since 2008 (hiatus for 2 years 2020, 2021)

Dean’s Grant for Research, spring 2022

Temple University Research Leave, fall 1997, spring 2008, 2012-13

Temple University, Dean’s Grant Travel to Conference, yearly, since 1991

Mellon Grant (Temple University) 2000

Temple University Grant in Aid 1999, 2004, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2023

Temple University Summer Research Fellowship 1994

American Numismatic Society Graduate Fellowship 1984-85

University of Pennsylvania, Classical Archaeology Graduate Group fellowship/teaching assistantship, 1982, 1983, 1984/5


  1. Authored Books

Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts: Coins from the 1973-2013 Excavations. Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Monographs 13. (Harvard University Press, 2018).

The Joint Expeditions to Caesarea Maritima, Excavation Reports v.2: the Mithraeum at Caesarea Maritima, co-authored with the late Robert J. Bull and edited.  (American Schools of Oriental Research, 2017).

The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima: Excavation Reports v.6, The Coins and the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Economy of Palestine (American Schools of Oriental Research, 2006). Reviewed in: American Journal of Archaeology Oct 2009 (www.ajaonline.org); Israel Numismatic Research 2 2007; ANS Magazine Spring 2008 59-63; RBL June 2008 Society of Biblical Literature (bookreviews.org); Ancient East & West 12 2013

The Art of Persuasion: Political Propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1992). Reviewed in: Classical World 1994 505; American Journal of Numismatics 1993/4 251-55; “Electronic Antiquity” II.2. 1994; “Bryn Mawr Classical Review” 03.06.05; Journal of Roman Studies 1995 275

2. Edited Books

Concordia Disciplinarum: Essays on Ancient Coinage, History, and Archaeology in Honor of William E. Metcalf, ed. with Nathan T. Elkins. New York: American Numismatic Society, 2019. With entry: “A New Revival of an Old Coin Type: Sardis in the Augustan Era” 121-126.

The Blackwell Companion to Roman Republican Archaeology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013); with three entries (“Introduction”, “Coins and Archaeology”, “The Late Republican City of Rome”)
PROSE Award Honorable Mention 2013. Reviewed: American Journal of Archaeology July 2015; History & Archaeology Oct 2014; Journal of Classical Teaching June 2013; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 04/07/2104

3. Collaboration in Book

Javols-Anderitum (Lozère), chef-lieu de citédes Gabales : une ville romaine de moyenne montagne : Bilan de 13 ans d’évaluation et de recherche (1996-2008). Principal authors : Alain Trintignac, Emmanuel Marot, Alain Ferdière. Montagnac (Hérault), France : Editions monique mergoil, 2011.

4. Articles, Book Chapters

“Gallia Aquitania and Gallia Lugdunensis.” In A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, vol.2. Ed. B. Burrell. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2024) 831-853.

“Adorning and Protecting: Glass Intaglios and the Changing Character of Being a Sardian in the Early Imperial Period,” Near Eastern Archaeology 83.4 2020: 200-209.

“Glass Intaglios of the Roman Imperial Period from Sardis.” Quaderni Ticinesi (NAC) 2019: 1-32.

“The Mint at Sardis [in the Hellenistic Period].” In Spear-won Land: Sardis, from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Edited Andrea Berlin and Paul Kosmin. (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019): 137-156.

“Cultural Memory, Artemis and “Kore”: The Coins of Sardis.” Quaderni Ticinesi (NAC) 46 2017: 133-53.

“What Archaeology Can Tell us about the Date of the Opening of the Civic Mint in Sardis, Turkey”, Proceedings of the 2015 International Numismatic Congress, 2017.

“The Third Neokorate of Sardis in Light of a New Coin Type Found in Sardis,” FIDES: Contributions to Numismatics in Honor of Richard B. Witschonke  (New York: American Numismatic Society), 2015: 417-25

“Five Small Bronze Hoards from Sardis and their Implications for Coin Circulation in the Fifth Century CE” in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 369 2013: 137-156.

“The Restoration of Memory: Minucius and his Monument”in Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow 2009 (Glasgow, 2011) 657-61.

“From Mountain to Icon: Mt. Gerizim on Provincial Coins from Neapolis, Samaria” Near Eastern Archaeology 74:3 2011: 170-83.

“Une petite ville romaine de moyenne montagne, Javols/Anderitum (Lozère), chef-lieu de cité des Gabales: état des connaissances 1996-2007″, (in collaboration) Ferdière, Alain, et al. Gallia 66.2 2009: 172-225.

“Anderitum: Excavations in a Roman Town in Gallia Aquitania”, with Alain Ferdière (emeritus, Université de Tours) and Emmanuel Marot (Tours). American Journal of Archaeology 113 2009: 255-72.

“Prostitutes in the Theater of Pompey? A Reconsideration.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 139.1 2009: 123-145.

“Recherches archéologiques à Javols-Anderitum: campagne 2006,” (in collaboration with) Trintignac, A., Courtois, J. Ferdière, A., Marot, E., Mouchet, C., Saint-Didier, G. Revue du Gévaudan, des Causses et des Cévennes 2 (2007) 144-159.

“Recent Research in Roman Crafts (1985-1995).” Classical World March-April 1998: 235-272.

“Bulls on Republican and Early Imperial Coins.” Numismatica e Antichità Classiche Quaderni Ticinesi 1996: 197-214.

“Coins from the DIAR Excavations of Caesarea.” Biblical Archaeologist Sept. 1995: 156-66

“Heraclian Countermarks on Coins Found at Caesarea.” American Journal of Numismatics 5/6 1994/5: 97-104.

“Statues of the Kings and Brutus on the Capitoline.” Opuscula Romana 38 1992, 99-105

“Sacred Figs in Rome,” Latomus 50 1991: 798-808.

“The Sicilian Coinage of Sextus Pompeius.” American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 32 1987: 97-157.

“Roman Republican Coin types and Familial Propaganda.” Transactions of the 10th International Numismatic Congress, London 1986: 143-46.

4. Book Reviews

L. Holland Goldthwaite. Treasure of Chianti: Silver Coinage of the Roman Republic from Cetamura del Chianti  (2021). Etruscan and Italic Studies 25.1-2 (2022) 251-256.

C. Arnold-Biucchi and M. Beckmann, eds. Sculpture and Coins: Margarete Bieber as Scholar and Collector (2018). Journal of Roman Archaeology 32 (2019) 991-95.

O. Tal and Z. Weiss, Expressions of Cult in the Southern Levant in the Greco-Roman Period: Manifestations in Text and Material Culture (2017) for American Journal of Archaeology 122.4 2018 (online)

D. Syon, Small Change in Hellenistic and Roman Galilee (2015); for Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 378 2017: 229-31

N.T. Elkins and S. Krmnicek Art in the Round: New Approaches to Ancient Coin Iconography. For American Journal of Archaeology online (2015)

D. Ariel and J-P. Fontanille, The Coins of Herod: A Modern Analysis and Die Classification. For Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 371 2014: 250-52

G. Bowersock, Mosaics as History. For  Near Eastern Archaeology 73.2 2009: 172

R. Ashton, Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey. For American Journal of Archaeology 101 1997: 816

B. Brown, Royal Portraits in Sculpture and Coins. For American Journal of Numismatics 9 1997: 139-43

W. Hollstein, Die städtromische Münzprägung der Jahre 78-50 v.Chr. zwischen politischer Aktualität und Familienthematik. For American Journal of Numismatics 7/8 1995/6: 289-92

Melville-Jones, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins. For American Journal of Numismatics 3/4 1992: 225-28

5. Forthcoming

in press: The Joint Expeditions to Caesarea Maritima, Excavation Reports: The U-Shaped Building and Byzantine through Ottoman Caesarea (title tentative), lead author with J. Tobin,  M. Fuller, N. Fuller, M. Risser, M. Zimmerman, E. Szylejko Atlanta: American Society of Overseas Research, 2025.

“The Coins under the Floors of the Synagogue”, for The Synagogue at Sardis. Main contributor Andrew Seager. Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Monographs 15?. (Harvard University Press)

“The Hellenistic Coins in their Political and Social Contexts”, The Hellenistic City of Gordion. Edited Andrea Berlin and C. Brian Rose. (University of Pennsylvania Press)

“The Coins and their Contexts”, and “The Excavations at Tell er-Ras” (the latter with Robert J. Bull† and Diane Everman), for The Excavations at Tell er-Ras. (American Schools of Oriental Research)

“Report on the Coins”, “Catalog of the Coins”, and “Architectural Representations on Coins of the Roman East”; in the report of the excavations of Tell er-Ras, Israel (waiting for other contributors; preliminary acceptance by ASOR press)

Convention Papers and Scholarly Lectures

“The Abduction of Persephone on Coin Types of the Eastern Roman Provinces” Archaeological Institute of America annual meeting, Chicago 2024

“The Mysteries of Mithras in Caesarea” American Schools of Oriental Research Webinar, 2021

“The Worship of Mithras in Caesarea Maritima, Israel” Archaeological Institute of America, Spokane WA Chapter 2021

“Field 55 at Sardis, Stratigraphy, Chronology, and the Coins” Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting (virtual) 2021

“Protecting and Adorning: Glass Intaglios from Sardis, Turkey” Univerzita Karlova, Prague 2020

“An Early Imperial Glass Intaglio Workshop in Sardis, Turkey” American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, 2019; Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, 2020

“A Mountain, its Temples and Cultural Identity: Mt. Gerizim and the Self-Identification of the Inhabitants of Neapolis” Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting, 2018

“Coins and Pottery: Tracking the Numismatic Profile of 4th and 5th Century Sardis” American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, 2017

“The Mint at Sardis amid the Changing Political Landscape of the Third and Second Centuries” Invited Lecture, City and Empire in Seleucid Asia Minor Conference, Harvard University February 2017

“Giving to the Gods: Votives and Magic at Sardis, Turkey”, American Institute of Archaeology, Philadelphia and Hartford CT Societies February 2017

“Ritual Deposits, Votive Behavior, and Magical Practices at Sardis”, Classics Colloquium, Temple University 2016

“What Archaeology Can Tell Us about the Date of the Opening of the Civic Mint in Sardis (Turkey)”, International Numismatic Congress (Taormina, Sicily) 2015

“Field C at Caesarea Maritima: An Analysis of the Stratigraphy and Pottery”, American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting (Baltimore) 2013: with Martha K. Risser and Michael Zimmerman.

“Roman Coins and Votive Behavior in Sardis”, University of Pennsylvania, October 2013

“Kings, Emperors and Gods: What the Excavation Coins tell us about Sardis”

Ilse and Leo Mildenberg Lecture, Harvard University, March 2013

“Early Imperial History and the Excavation Coins of Sardis: Field 55 and the Wadi B Temple”, American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting 2012, American Philological Association Annual Meeting, 2013

“Four Small Bronze Hoards from Sardis and their Implications for Coin Circulation in the Fifth Century CE”, American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, 2011

“The Dating and Reconstruction of the U-Shaped Building in Field C, Caesarea Maritima”, American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, 2010

“Minucius, Memory and his Monument”, International Numismatic Congress (Glasgow, Scotland, 2009)

“The Gold Hoard of Caesarea Maritima, Israel” American Institute of Archaeology, Metcalf Lecturer (2007, Toronto, Montreal, Ottowa)

“Excavating Ancient Anderitum, a Roman City in Southwest France” American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 2004

“Excavation Coins and the Nature of the Site” American Institute of Archaeology, Metcalf Lecturer (April 2003 in San Diego and Las Vegas for American Institute of Archaeology societies)

“What Numismatists can tell Archaeologists about Coins”, American Philological Association Annual Meeting 2003

“Excavation Coins and the Nature of the Site” A Rich Resource: Contributions of Field Numismatics to Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, Conference at Mary Washington College Fredericksberg, 2002; co-organizer and leader of round-table discussion as well as presenter.

“Comedic Heroines in the Theater Complex of Pompey in Rome”  American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 2001 (nominated by the Women’s Classical Conference for best paper presentation at the annual meeting), Princeton, Institute of Advanced Studies 2000, Villanova University 2000

“The Return of Prosperity?  The Economy of Caesarea Maritima in Palestine between 70 and 253 CE”, American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 1998, American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting 1998

“The Combined Caesarea Expeditions”, American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 1997 (co-author)

“Coins from the DIAR Excavations at Caesarea Maritima”, American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 1994

“The Art of Persuasion: Roman Familial Propaganda and Coins”, Bullowa lecture, American Numismatic Society, 1991

“Familial Propaganda and Republican Coinage”, American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 1987, International Numismatic Congress in London, 1986

“Over-used and Under-Studied: Sorting out the Coins of Sextus Pompey”, American Numismatic Society Graduate Seminar 1986-1990

“Consequences of Betrayal: the Death of Tarpeia from the Basilica Aemilia Frieze and two Coins”, American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting 1985


2008-present   Numismatist, Harvard and Cornell Sardis Expeditions to Sardis (Turkey; director: Nicholas D. Cahill, annual reports)

2000-2008        Javols (ancient Anderitum), France (director: Alain Ferdiere, Department de Languedoc-Rousillion); supervisor, help prepare annual reports

1997, 1998       Caesarea Maritima, Israel (director: Ken Holum, University of Maryland); field supervisor, help prepare annual reports

1983-1985        Salleles d’Aude, France (director: Fanette Laubenheimer, CNRS); excavation draughtsperson

1982                 Gla, Greece (director: Spyros Iakovidis, University of Pennsylvania); student worker

1981                 Philadelphia, PA (director: Barbara Liggett); student worker

1976                 Wroxeter, England (director: Graham Webster); student worker

1976                 environs of Siena, Italy (director: Alfonz Lengyel); student worker

Professional Affiliations

American Institute of Archaeology (since 1981)

American Numismatic Society (since 1983), Fellow

American Society of Overseas Research (since 1991)

Philadelphia Numismatic and Antiquarian Society (elected 2006)

Royal Numismatic Society (elected 2001)