Forthcoming projects

1. in-press: The U-Shaped Portico at Caesarea Maritima (monograph in the JECM Series, through the American Schools of Oriental Research).

Collaborators: Jennifer Tobin (architectural history of the building); Martha Risser and Michael Zimmerman (finewares from Field C); Elizabeth Hedrick (amphoras from Field C), Michael Fuller (bones, Islamic and Crusader eras)

2.  “The Coins” and “Architectural Types on Coins and Mt Gerezim”, for Tel er-Ras excavation volume, forthcoming from American Schools of Oriental Research.

3. “Gordion: the Hellenistic Coins” (for C. Brian Rose, director, Gordion Excavations)

4. “The Late Roman Coins [in the Synagogue, Sardis, Turkey]” (for Harvard University Press)