Arrogance of Power


Transcript of LBJ Conversation with M. Bundy on Vietnam, May 1964

President Johnson’s Address to Congress, The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, August 5, 1964

Excerpts from McGeorge Bundy’s Memo to President Johnson, February 7,1965

“Aggression From the North,” State Department White Paper on Vietnam, February 27, 1965

Excerpts from Speech Given by President Johnson at Johns Hopkins University, April 7,1965

Dean Rusk “American Foreign Policy and International Law” South Vietnam’s Right of Self Defense, April 23, 1965

Paper by the Under Secretary of State George Ball, “Cutting Our Losses in South Viet-Nam,” June 1965

Memorandum From Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to President Johnson on the Subject of a Program of Expanded Military and Political Moves with Respect to Vietnam, July 1, 1965

Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s Memo to President Johnson, July 20,1965

Robert MacNamara Oral History with an emphasis on Military Strategy in Vietnam

Walt Rostow Oral History with an emphasis on LBJ Decisionmaking toward Vietnam

Dean Rusk Oral History with an emphasis on Dissent within the Johnson administration about Vietnam

Dean Rusk Oral History with an emphasis on LBJ Decisionmaking toward Vietnam

LBJ telephone conversation with McGeorge Bundy, May 1964 (transcript)

LBJ telephone conversation with Richard Russell, May 1964 (transcript)

Thu Vao Nam [Letters to the South] 1965

Senator William Fulbright, Appraisal of US Policy in the Dominican Crisis, September 15, 1965

Ho Chi Minh Exchange of Letters with Lyndon Johnson, February 1967

Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s “Mutual Deterrence” Speech, September 18, 1967 

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968)

Brezhnev Doctrine (1968)

U.S. Counter-Terror Assistance to Guatemalan Security Forces, January 4, 1966

Request for Special Training of Guatemalan Security Forces, December 3, 1966

Guatemala:  A Counter-Insurgency Running Wild? October 23, 1967

Guatemala and Counter-terror, March 29, 1968

Conversations between the Soviets and the Vietnamese, 1969

President Nixon’s Speech on “Vietnamization,” Nov. 3, 1969

President Nixon’s Address to the Nation on the Situation in Southeast Asia, April 30, 1970

Statement by John Kerry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 23, 1971

Peace Proposal of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Viet Nam, July 1, 1971

Joint U.S.-China communique Issued at Shanghai at the Conclusion of President Nixon’s trip to China, February 27, 1972

Basic Principles of Relations Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, May 29, 1972

Letter from President Nixon to President Thieu of the Republic of Vietnam, January 5, 1973

Richard Nixon’s “Peace With Honor” Speech, January 23, 1973

Paris Accords, January 27, 1973

War Powers Act (1973)

Kissinger Memorandum to Nixon, “Contact with the Chinese,” c. September 12, 1970

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Pakistan President Yahya], October 25, 1970

Kissinger Memorandum to Nixon, “Chinese Communist Initiative,” c. December 10, 1970

Col. Richard Kennedy, Memorandum of Record, December 16, 2002

Ray Cline to Acting Secretary Irwin, Intelligence Brief, “Communist-China/US: Peking’s People’s Diplomacy: A `New Page’ in Sino-American Relations,” April 14, 1971

Record of Nixon-Kissinger Telephone Conversation Discussing Zhou’s Message and Possible Envoys [e.g., George H. W, Bush] to China, April 27, 1971

Message from Kissinger to Farland, enclosing message to PRC on SALT announcement, May 20, 1971

Message from Zhou to Nixon, May 29, 1971

Memorandum for the President’s Files, “Meeting Between President, Dr. Kissinger, and General Haig,”  July 1, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Zhou] July 9, 1971, 4:35-11:20 PM, with cover memo by Lord, July 29, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Zhou] July 10, 1971, Afternoon (12:10 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.), with cover memo by Lord, August 6, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Zhou] July 10, 1971, Evening (11:20 – 11:50 p.m.),  with cover memo by Lord, August 12, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Ye Jianying] July 11, 1971, Early Morning and Morning (12:00 midnight – 1:40 a.m.; 9:50 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.)

Memorandum of Conversation [Kissinger and Zhou] July 11, 1971, 10:35 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.

Kissinger to Nixon, “My Talks with Chou En-lai,” July 14, 1971

Memorandum for the President’s Files, “Briefing of the White House Staff on the July 15 Announcement of the President’s Trip to Peking,” July 19, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Monday, February 21, 1972 – 5:58 p.m.-6:55 p.m

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Tuesday, February 22, 1972 – 2:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Wednesday, February 23, 1972 – 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Thursday, February 24, 1972 – 5:15 p.m.-8:05 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Friday, February 25, 1972 – 5:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m

Memorandum of Conversation [Nixon and Zhou En-lai], Monday, February 28, 1972 – 8:30-9:30  a.m

Department of State, U.S. Embassy Cables on the Election of  Salvador Allende and Efforts to Block his Assumption of the Presidency, September 5-22, 1970

CIA, Genesis of Project FUBELT, September 16, 1970

CIA, Memorandum of Conversation of Meeting with Henry Kissinger, Thomas Karamessines, and Alexander Haig, October 15, 1970

CIA, Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting [in Chile], October 16, 1970

NSC, Options Paper on Chile (NSSM 97), November 3, 1970

NSC, National Security Decision, Memorandum 93, Policy Towards Chile, November 9, 1970

CIA, Report of CIA Chilean Task Force Activities, 15 September to 3 November 1970, November 18, 1970

State Department Memorandum for Kissinger on Chile, December 4, 1970

White House Memorandum, Top Secret, “Meeting with President Emílio Garratazú Médici of Brazil on Thursday, December 9, 1971, at 10:00 a.m., in the President’s Office, the White House”, December 9, 1971

CIA Memorandum, from CIA Deputy Director Robert Cushman to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, “Alleged Commitments Made by President Richard Nixon to Brazilian President Emílio Garrastazú Médici”, December 29, 1971
National Intelligence Estimate 93-73, Secret, “The New Course in Brazil”, January 13, 1972