
Isolated Safety

“I lay against T’Gatoi’s long, velvet underside, sipping from my egg”

Butler, Octavia E. Bloodchild and Other Stories. 2nd ed. Seven Stories Press, 2005 page 3

This is a picture of me and my friend in Center City. I chose to take it in an alley away from everybody so it would represent the isolation many people feel due to the pandemic. The Ally is a small bland space which contrasts the lively city around it which is very symbolic of how life is pre and post covid. I included my friend in the picture cause while life feels isolating, there are still friends, family, and people in it that provide the feeling of safety and security that we all need during a trying time. Just as T’Gatoi was Gan’s comforter, we all have a few people in our life we can turn to and that we care for. While covid has caused this metaphoric isolated alley, the precautions we take and the care we give to those around us will slowly bring back better times. It is a slow journey, but just like Gan and his efforts to fight for better treatment we will soon improve our situation. Life may feel isolated and challenging during the pandemic, but it is important to care for those around you and surround yourself by support.

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