
Destination Isolation

“Some wine ( and sacrifice the wine to me).”

Lysistrata, pg 9

Immediately before the two-week lockdown on March 13, my family took a three-week trip to India for a wedding and to travel around the country. I was living my definition of a “good life” – traveling in sunny weather with no responsibilities. When I returned home, lots of uncertainty hung in the air and my definition of a “good life” shifted as the pandemic continued on. Self-care that went deeper than a facemask became a daily occurrence at home and this page documents what kept me sane.

This image shows me at the top of my staircase and my dog sitting on a step looking up at me. This was taken after I had woken up and just when I started my day. A constant battle I kept on fighting during the shutdown involved deciding what to do that day and if I would be productive or lazy. I feel like many of us grew tired of the monotony of every day at home with limited options. The way I got through it was taking care of myself by learning/ practicing new skills, enjoying nature, and reading more. I lived through a new version of “the good life” where I focused on myself and my family.

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