Cambridge Histories Online and more

Some great new sources.  Have a look.

Cambridge Histories Online
Cambridge Histories Online contains scores of volumes from the various well-known Cambridge Histories published since 1960, including the Cambridge Modern History, Cambridge History of English Literature, the Cambridge Medieval History, the Cambridge Ancient History and the Histories of India and the British Empire, and others.

China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980
This full-text digital collection is based primarily on unique manuscript materials held at the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), the British Library in London, and supplemented by additional sources from seven institutes, such as the Cambridge University Library. This project provides a wide variety of original source material detailing China’s interaction with the West from Macartney’s first Embassy to China in 1793 to the Nixon/Heath visits to China in 1972-74. It provides multiple perspectives from politicians, diplomats, missionaries, business people, and tourists. In addition, there are over 400 color paintings, maps and drawings by English and Chinese artists, as well as many photographs, sketches and ephemeral items depicting Chinese people, customs, and events.

Choice Reviews Online
Choice Reviews Online, is a searchable, web-based version of the magazine Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. Geared toward college and university libraries, Choice offers timely, selective, scholarly reviews by experts in various fields within the Arts & Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences, and Science & Technology. The reviews cover books in all subjects as well as online and electronic media. By creating a personal profile, Choice readers can receive monthly alerts of newly published titles in their field as well as save and email lists of titles relevant to their work.

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