Where is this journal indexed? Try Ulrich’s

Sometimes you hear about a really good journal but don’t know where it’s “indexed”, meaning you don’t know in which database you can search for the journal’s articles. You can usually find this information in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, a huge database that provides comprehensive information on thousands of journals. Take The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, for instance. Do a search for it in Ulrich’s (be careful, this is a fussy database, stay away from the Title (Exact) search) and bring up the record. Under the “Basic Description” tab you’ll find things like the title, the publisher, the language, ISSN, whether it’s refereed, indexed, etc. Click on the “Abstracting / Indexing & Article Access” tab and you find out where the journal is indexed and where you can find full-text online (often two very different things). Here’s what you’ll find as far as abstracting and indexing (“abstracting” is just indexing with an abstract): America: History and Life (1993-) British Humanities Index (1997-) EBSCOhost + Academic Search Alumni Edition: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Academic Search Complete: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Academic Search Elite: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Academic Search Premier: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Academic Source Premier: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Advanced Placement Source: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + EBSCOhost MegaFILE: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + Humanities International Complete: indexed, 1998-03-01 – present + Religion and Philosophy Collection: indexed, 1998-03-01 – P12M + TOC Premier: indexed, 1998-03-01 – present F R A N C I S H.W. Wilson + Humanities Abstracts: indexed, 2004-02 – present + Humanities Full Text: indexed, 2004-02 – present + Humanities Full Text (Athens Authorization): indexed, 2004-02 – present + Humanities Index: indexed, 2004-02 – present + Wilson OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition: indexed, 2004-02 – present + Wilson OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition (Athens Authorization): indexed, 2004-02 – present + Wilson OmniFile V: Full Text Edition: indexed, 2004-02 – present + Wilson OmniFile V: Full Text Edition (Athens Authorization): indexed, 2004-02 – present Historical Abstracts (1993-) Humanities Index (Feb.2004-) Humanities International Index (Mar.1998-) Index Islamicus OCLC + Electronic Collections Online: indexed, 2000 – 2007 (volume:8;issue:1-volume:15;issue:3) Philosopher’s Index Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie Swets Information Services + SwetsWise All Titles: indexed, 1997 – present (volume:5;issue:2-volume:15;issue:3) Thomson Gale (Gale Group) + Expanded Academic ASAP (with Ingenta): indexed, 2000-03-01 – present + InfoTrac OneFile (with Ingenta): indexed, 2000-03-01 – present + Ingenta: indexed, 2000-03 – present All those databases are going to index some portion (see dates next to the entries) of The British Journal for the History of Philosophy and some will probably provide some full-text access as well. Another thing to watch out for is whether the indexing is cover to cover or selective. Many specialized disciplinary databases will only selectively index articles relevant to their discipline if the journal falls outside their core journals. This journal will be most completely indexed (from volume 1, issue 1 to present) in a philosophy database. You see that there are no dates next to the entry for The Philosopher’s Index, meaning that the whole journal run in indexed. ————————————————————————————————————– Subject Guides Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion ————————————————————————————————————–

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