Over the past year many of the popular weekly news magazines, like Newsweek, Time, and US News and World Report, have featured cover stories on religious themes, most involving religion in the public sphere. Below are links to a number of these cover stories, accessed through the database Academic Search Premier. WHERE WE STAND ON FAITH. (Cover story) Newsweek Religious Protection. (Cover story) New Republic In Search of The Spiritual. (Cover story) Newsweek A New Welcoming Spirit in the Mosque. (Cover story) Newsweek DOES GOD WANT YOU TO BE RICH? (Cover story) Time God vs. Science. (Cover Story) Time A Passionate Voice And a Moral Vision. (Cover story) Newsweek A New Social Gospel. (Cover story) Newsweek The Case Against Faith. (Cover story) Newsweek A Shepherd Protects His Own Backyard. (Cover story) Newsweek Debating ‘Da Vinci’ (Cover story) U.S.News & World Report The Kingdom of Christ. (Cover story) U.S.News & World Report THE WAYS OF OPUS DEI. (Cover story) Time —Fred Rowland