I am currently teaching CIS4396 – Information Systems Implementation. It is the second in the two-semester capstone sequence required for all IS&T students. It synthesizes all the material learned within the required IS&T curriculum and effectively prepares the students to enter the workforce. In this course, student teams will continue working on the projects started in CIS4296 – Information Systems Design and Analysis, and will develop the system, test it thoroughly, install it, document it and train the users. Together, these two courses give students experience in the entire Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
At the conclusion of this course sequence, students are expected to have mastered both the professional and technical skills typically required in the IT/computing workplace. Technical knowledge and skills will involve some combination of procedural and object-oriented programming, database technology, software control, accessibility and software development methodologies, (including analysis, planning, design and implementation, operation, and maintenance). Professional skills will include the development of effective group work capabilities, excellent communication skills, project management skills, as well as presentation design, delivery and discussion. All students completing the capstone sequence should have developed an understanding of appropriate strategies and approaches for effective client-developer interaction and successful software system development and deployment.