About Us

What is the Temple Economics Society?

The Temple Economics Society (TES) is a Student Professional Organization dedicated to connecting students interested in economics with employers and industry professionals. In addition, we also provide a forum for students to discuss current economic events, learn new skills, and gain exciting career opportunities. We are truly proud to offer our members a welcoming, yet ambitious, environment where they can experience economics outside of the classroom.

Do I have to be an Economics Major/Minor?

No! Students of all majors are welcomed. The only requirement is to have a genuine interest in economics and related topics.

Are there any other benefits to joining TES?

Yes! Aside from the opportunity to hear from industry leaders and potential employers, members also receive:

  • Closer professional, and social, relationships with fellow Temple undergraduate students
  • Assistance with resume development, access to professional contacts, internships, and mock interviews
  • Access to field trips to Economic/Financial Institutions, including the annual NABE Policy Conference
  • Opportunity to the Knowledge Work Skills Workshop & Internship Program

What is Omicron Delta Epsilon?

For motivated students with a high degree of interest in the study and application of economics, we partner with Omicron Delta Epsilon Honor Society in Economics (ODE). The requirements for admission to ODE for undergraduate students are:

  • Completion of 12 credit hours of economics courses
  • Attainment of at least a “B” average in economics courses and a “B” average in overall studies

For more information: Temple University’s ODE Chapter

What is the Knowledge Work Skills Workshop?

The Knowledge Work Skills Workshop is a professional development program designed to create autonomous workers as well as help Temple economics students find paid internships and full-time jobs by increasing their awareness of both public and private sector opportunities in the Philadelphia region.

The program consists of 3 main components:

  • A Knowledge Skills Program
  • An Innovation Co-Operative
  • Posted Opportunities


This program certifies students for employers and includes a seven module
workshop that trains students to work autonomously as decision-makers by developing their work skills.


The program will actively manage a database of pre-approved companies and certified students. Using this self-service tool will help students and companies match each others’ needs. It is free for all Temple Economics students


Opportunities are paid positions and include:

  • Internships – Part or Full Time
  • Full-Time Employment
  • Contractors

Interested in the program or have questions?

Contact: Professor Jane Frankel ( janehf@temple.edu )

When and where do we meet?

TES meets in Alter Hall, Room 239 every Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.

Our office is Gladfelter Hall, Room 227.  Feel free to stop by.

We look forward to seeing you there!