Local Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of Alpha Phi Chapter


Section 1. When a member is behaving inadequately or inappropriately, a meeting will be held with the member and the executive board where the issue will be discussed. The member will then be put on a 30-day probationary period, after which a second meeting will be held to determine if the member can continue to be a part of the organization (Student activities, section 5).

Section 2. When an officer is behaving inadequately or inappropriately, a meeting will be held with the officer and the faculty advisor where the issue will be discussed. The officer will then be put on a 30-day probationary period, after which a second meeting will be held to determine if the officer can continue to be a part of the organization (Student activities, section 5).

Section 3. When an officer or member allows their GPA to fall beneath the requisite 3.0 (both major and overall), they will have a semester to bring it back up, at which point they will be asked to resign from Beta Alpha Psi.


The following is copied directly from Temple University’s anti-hazing policy:

Temple University does not tolerate hazing. Any student, student group, student organization, team, or other persons associated with such groups found responsible for Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing under this policy, whether occurring on or off campus, may face disciplinary action, in addition to criminal charges.

Any violation of this policy by a Student shall be investigated and adjudicated under the Student Conduct Code and may be referred for prosecution under applicable laws. Alleged violations of this policy will be investigated by the appropriate university office, typically either or both of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or Campus Safety Services. Employee violations will be handled in accordance with applicable work rules and collective bargaining agreements. (Student activities, section 6)


Section 1. The President and Treasurer are authorized signers on the Beta Alpha Psi Alpha Phi chapter bank account. No other member or officer is authorized to sign on the account.

Section 2. The President has the following responsibilities:

  • Responsible for maintaining the overall organization by maintaining communication with all executive board members, current and prospective members/candidates, faculty, the Fox School of Business, and employers around the Greater Philadelphia Area
  • Work with the Vice President to ensure top leadership of the SPO are all on the same page as well as make executive decisions for the SPO relevant to membership, meetings, events, and many more
  • Work with Director of Member Reporting and Director of Community Service to ensure we maintain our current BAP distinguishment and implement events and programs that help improve our status, while ensuring all members reach membership requirements
  • Work with the Treasurer to ensure that the SPO is in a healthy financial standpoint and strategize ways to fundraise/save money wherever possible
  • Consistently have an open mind about potential events that BAP can plan (signature events, weekly meetings, community services, socials, etc.) and communicate with officer team to further the planning process
  • Brainstorm and strategize methods to increase membership for accounting, finance, and MIS students and implementing said methods
  • Reach out to employers in the Greater Philadelphia Area to schedule weekly meetings where companies have the opportunity to do information sessions as well as special topics relevant to the business world
  • Plan annual events including Evening with Recruiters (fall) which is an exclusive career fair for students in accounting, finance, and MIS majors averaging between 15-20 firms and over 50 students in attendance
  • Work alongside the accounting SPO presidents including for joint endeavors including Department of Accounting events, meetings, and the annual joint accounting student professional organization banquet in the spring semester
  • Serve as the primary contact for the Alpha Phi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi for any companies, students, faculty, and all other parties interested in learning more about the value of Beta Alpha Psi
  • Write an annual report including all the information about the academic year served such as executive board, membership, community service, weekly meetings, socials, and signature events. Report should also include changes between previous and current year as well as any notable successes and threats for the future.
  • Required to attend all Beta Alpha Psi meetings and events including weekly meetings, signature events, and many community service events
  • Required to attend bi-weekly Department of Accounting/Accounting SPO Presidents meetings
  • Required to lead and attend a monthly executive board meeting among the Beta Alpha Psi officers
  • Required to attend a monthly Fox School of Business College Council meeting with all Presidents of Fox SPOs to remain up to date on events relevant to Fox and our SPO

Section 3. The Treasurer has the following responsibilities:

  • Plan and draft annual budget
  • Have access to the bank account of the Alpha Phi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi to keep up with the financial health of the SPO
  • Assist President in drafting and submitting funding proposals to Accounting Department
  • Submit receipts for department reimbursement after sanctioned trips
  • Prepare monthly income statements
  • Order pizza for weekly meetings
  • Receive candidate fees from eligible candidates while also reaching out to members to collect membership renewal fees from initiated members
  • Coordinate with Director of Reporting and Director of Communication to ensure new candidates are paid, reported, and added to our listserv (email list)
  • Invoice firms/sponsors throughout the year for any events they may have sponsored
  • Plan catering orders for events (panels, networking events, initiations) in conjunction with the President
  • Make change for raffles/bake sales
  • Order lapel pins for candidates and cords/stoles for graduating active members
  • Plan and execute fundraising initiatives (bake sales, restaurant days, flashcards)
  • Manage various inventories (t-shirts, flashcards, cords/stoles, pins, etc.)
  • Manage sponsorship contributions and scholarships for the Accounting SPO Banquet
  • Pay Total Candidate Fee for reported candidates to BAP National through the BAP intranet
  • Submit Mid-Year and End-of-Year Reports to BAP National through the BAP intranet
  • Required to attend all Beta Alpha Psi meetings and events including weekly meetings, signature events, and many community service events
  • Required to attend a monthly executive board meeting among the Beta Alpha Psi officers

Section 4. The Faculty Advisor has the following responsibilities:  

  • Attend monthly officer meetings and ensure to provide feedback on current affairs
  • Keep critical documents for safekeeping and transfer to the next year’s officer’s
  • Administer initiation to successful candidates and oversee electoral process of the next year’s officers
  • Provide the office for shipping needs and as meeting location for officers
  • Generally oversee the finances and operations of the organization, providing guidance and feedback when necessary
  • Serve as a liaison between Beta Alpha Psi and the Department of Accounting


All interested persons are eligible to join Beta Alpha Psi’s Alpha Phi chapter for local chapter meetings and events. Only those who meet national requirements can be national dues-paying members. However, anyone, regardless of major, college, or identity, is welcome to participate in local chapter activities. Those who attend only local chapter activities and are not national dues-paying members will not participate in the candidacy program and will not be inducted into the national organization. 


Beta Alpha Psi is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging with appreciation and respect for others. We believe that bringing together diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives provides our members with a safe environment to learn and grow both professionally and personally. Beta Alpha Psi will approach its work with inclusion in mind by recognizing both experiences beyond our own and inclusion as integral to our organization.


The following is copied directly from Temple University’s non-discrimination policy:

Registered student organizations must abide by all of Temple University policies, including those regarding nondiscrimination. Included in its obligations, registered student organizations must allow any student to participate, become a member, or seek leadership positions in the organization, regardless of their age, color, disability, marital status, national origin or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information or veteran status. A registered student organization may restrict membership on the basis of conduct, provided that such restrictions are not a pretext for exclusion based on status or belief, i.e.., are not used principally to exclude students on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information or veteran status. Temple University applies this policy consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment.

Bylaws of Alpha Phi Chapter

Benefits of Membership 

“Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary organization for Financial Information students and professionals. The primary objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. This includes promoting the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems; providing opportunities for self-development, service and association among members and practicing professionals, and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility.”


Social Interaction: Meet and socialize with other accounting, finance or information system students with the same interests, classes and teachers.

Exposure to area Firms and Corporations: Participate in tours of local offices and network with professionals at the Evening with Recruiters, Winter and Spring Induction Banquets, Volleyball and Basketball Tournaments.

Career Information: Weekly meetings feature speakers from the Philadelphia area firms. Presentation topics range from career development to issues in the industry to technical subjects.

Mock Interview: Practice behavioral interviewing with trained industry recruiters and receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Community Service: Volunteer in various activities such as tutoring and helping the local community. 

Candidate Program 

The Candidate Program spans one semester. Within that semester the candidate attends meetings, participates in career enhancing and service activities, and establishes bonds with fellow students and corporate professionals. At the end of the semester, candidates are inducted into Beta Alpha Psi at the semi-annual banquet. Candidates must fulfill all of the candidate requirements before being eligible for induction and membership.

Candidate Eligibility

Have declared accounting, finance or information systems as a major. Have completed at least 30 credits at Temple or elsewhere before induction. Have already completed or be currently enrolled in ACCT 3511 for accounting majors, FIN 3101 for finance majors and MIS 2502 for MIS majors. Have a GPA of 3.0 overall and within the major by the time of induction.

Candidate Requirements

Completion of 10 professional hours and 6 community service hours

Attendance at 2 signature events

Attendance at the induction banquet

Payment of $75.00 national candidate fee

Payment of $10.00 local chapter dues