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What Would She Say?

Flipping through old pictures
Wondering what she would say to me
If she were here.
I can’t decide if she would
Love you or hate you.
I can’t decide either.
Would she tell me to hold out hope,
Or to forget about you?
Surrounded by her old art
Wondering what emotions,
She put into her work.
Similar to how every piece of 
My work is about you.
Did she have a version of you too?
Someone who
Shattered her heart,
Warped her brain,
Made her eyes flash with recognition
From a past life spent together?
What did she do?
How did she move on?
To find the love of her life,
Stay married almost forty years.
Maybe he was,
The one,
She spent forever with.
There are some things I’ll never know,
Secrets buried with her and forgotten
In his old age.
I stand here 
Looking at pictures of her
That look like pictures of me.
I bring her flowers and tell her
Maybe one day,
If I really
I’ll find the answer,
She knows I know
In myself.
I’d rather hear it from her 
Than nothing at all
From you.

May 22, 2021

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